Kem Care - Programe opening evening
On love, pleasure, shame, pride, empathy, the middle school in Łask, care and resistance in one movement of the hips
Kem Care Valentine’s evening Kem Care will open on the 14th of February with a queer Valentine’s evening, which will include Ania Nowak’s guided tour of her blog Technologies of Love, a poetry reading by Ezra Green, a new sound performance by Negroma called Body Memory and a shared set by Amyoplasia, Facheroia, Pupper dj, Rrrkrta, associated with Warsaw’s queer parties.
Ania Nowak A guided tour of Technologies of Love.
Since autumn 2014, Ania Nowak has been running the technologisoflove.tumblr blog. The theme of the blog is love as a political category, meaning love as a means of creating different ways of understanding the world and experiencing social relationships. Technology is understood here as a tool for self-creation and relationships. Through the blog, Nowak collects materials on the radical potential of love as a social phenomenon that finds new forms of co-existence. Love is understood as a phenomenon that is invented anew each time and which does not exclude on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, belief or degree of physical fitness. This is a queer-feminist approach to love, to go beyond the stereotypical perception of love as a domain of romanticism and as a duty. The guided tour through the blog will be a way spending time together around the theme of love, while asking the question what else can we learn about love (and each other), if we treat it as a practice of improvisation and openness to the unknown.